Posted tagged ‘concept of Yin and Yang’

Yin And Yang

April 3, 2008

The Play Of Yin And Yang

A banyan treeThe concept of Yin and Yang can be simply explained with examples of opposing forces like male and female, hot and cold, bright and dark, night and day and so on. The essence lies in understanding the difference; because essentially the entire play in the cosmos depends in the balance between these two forces. They are mutually complementary and co-exist; there cannot be one without the other. I understood this principle with a simple example. On a hot summer afternoon if you stand under a ; the blazing sun light around is yang and the cool shade is yin. This example taught me the role of yin and my stand that the two forces cannot be separated. If one goes to the extreme the other immediately balances. So true even in balancing relations we experiance that if one person is upset the other should take a milder stand; only then can we arrive to a solution.