Posted tagged ‘Mother Nature’

Feng Shui

March 29, 2008

sunrays2.jpgSpiritual Feng Shui:

Feng shui literally means ‘Wind’ and ‘Water’. It has evolved with centuries of trial and error methods applied to different aspects of life. The big question is even if its origin is attributed to China; the aboriginals of different cultures in different parts of the world practiced it in their own way. The Africans, Red Indians, Asians, Europeans all had their own understanding of natural surroundings and commonsense application had them practicing Feng shui with perhaps another name.

Dealing with the natural environment physically, mentally and emotionally must have been the aim and objective of the Sages who worked and coined Feng shui for us in its present form. Its depth is still mystery to our minds.

It goes without saying that a student of Feng shui is learning with every case be it a house, office, factory, farm—–the list can be endless.

The entire theory revolves around the ‘Five Elements’ in their yang and yin forms. The spiritual aspect relates to living in co- ordination with natural forces; learning to respect live in its many a splendered forms. Spirituality takes us closer to ourselves; only then we can experience oneness with ‘Mother Nature’.