
Posted April 10, 2009 by andykale
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Hexagram 48 Ching – The Well
Water over Wind

Spiritual- Self nurturing

Hexagram 48- The WellRespect the sources of higher wisdom and draw from it for it belongs to the one who seeks it. Spiritual growth and nourishment is your anchor. Treat not these virtues frivolously or indifferently. The forces are very strong and you could be swept off.
My perspective: This message has appeared in my divination for myself over and over again. It made me wonder and then realize that at times it’s essential to put yourself before others. To help and heal others you need to first nurture your insides; for if depleted you have nothing to offer. Just like the well; situated in the middle of the village. Every thing around it changes but it remains the same, yet if everyone draws from it a time comes when you have to wait for you

reach the bottom and can go no further. So given a little time the well fills up from within to share again. Spirituality is that constant source which flows perennially.

Spiritual- Self nurturing

Clutter and Space Clearing

Posted February 20, 2009 by andykale
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Space ClearingOne of the most important aspects of dealing with space is allowing ‘Chi’ that is life force energy to move and circulate freely.

Apart from placements of door, windows and internal objects and furniture not ideally oriental one needs to note that we create road blocks by keeping unwanted things cluttered in cupboards, drawers, attics and lofts at times unattended for years.

Sometimes we may be surprised to find things amongst this storage we were never aware of. This we term as ‘Clutter’.

Our home is like our larger body if any part of it is kept blocked or unattended the clutter creates stagnation of energy and blockages in those aspects which that particular area deals with.

It would be interesting to note that clutter is not necessarily useless objects it is those excess things we may not use ever like a dress which is good but will not fit you ever or odds and ends people may have gifted to you but there is no use for them in your arena getting rid of such things may make you feel actually lighter and better. And giving them to someone who can actually use them is a good deed or karma.

Any drastic change is not desirable clutter clearing should be done in phases. May be starting with small personal things like a wallet, a drawer a book self, old magazines, wardrobe, kitchen, shelf, loft and so on. Sudden change can at times cause to much up heard so a step by step approach is easy and comfortable.

Clutter clearing pares the way for good things to come in your life for a cup which is full cannot hold any more so when you empty your cup of stale things fresh flow of energy may bring pleasant surprises.

The second phase after clutter clearing can be of space clearing that is to remove any unwanted thought patterns emotions or memory of undesirable extents from a space.

Space Clearing

Take time to attune to the space. In space clearing you are essentially revitalizing the energy of a building so it is important that you remember to breathe well throughout.

Starting at the main entrance, go around the inside perimeter of the space, sensing the energy. Use your hands and all your other senses too; go clock or anti clockwise round the perimeter.

Light candles, burn incense, sprinkle holy water, and offer flowers and prayers to the guardian spirit of the house (whatever feels appropriate to you). To make a flower offering, place a candle in the center of a saucer and arrange the flower heads around the candle radiating outwards. Place one such offering in each room.

Clap in corners of the rooms to disperse static energy. Then wash your hands in running water (very important to remember to do this).

Purify the space with bells. Use strong sounding bell first at this stage. Walking around the inside perimeter; hold the bell near the wall; close enough to ring the bell freely. Hold it above waist level. Walk forward, ringing the bell as you go;

After clearing the space, you may like to go round again and check the energy if it is now cleared. If you find there are still a few places where the energy feels uneasy, you need to clap those places out again and re-balance with the bells.

Fill the space with intention, light and love. You can play soft music, ring delicate bells. Having cleared your home of all the things you no longer want, and shielded it to maintain the new purity of the space, the natural thing to do next is to fill it up with something better. After space clearing you have a clean sheet, a fresh start and what you do next is very important. If you don’t make conscious decisions about what to fill the space with, you will just start to collect more of the same stuff you have just dispersed. You certainly can visualize creatively intending whatever you desire for self and other members of your family in health, success and well being. Each one can have his own self visualization.

Note: During space clearing any ill person or bed ridden person should be moved out of the house, at the same time pets need to be moved out too. At times you may feel depressed or cry during the process this in effect is a way of clearing your internal pent up emotions and is no cause for worry you can cry and calm down and continue the process.


Posted November 18, 2008 by andykale
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An Art of Creating Harmony  Country House

Vaastu literally means an abode for the living or the Gods.

An art/science widely practiced in its application; at the construction stages of the building or house. Very important in deciding the slopes on a plot, the placement and distribution of constructed space. It helps decide the location of the water storage, sewage systems, the entry and exit point on a given plot. It is one of the oldest methods for scientific construction creating harmonious living space.

  1. A house should be constructed in more or less in a square or rectangular shape. Any cuts or extensions in the shape should not be in excess.
  2. Slants and angular walls or ceilings create erratic movement of energy in the house.
  3. Ideally the plot should be square or rectangular in shape; if angled the side facing the active road should be the narrower one.
  4. Kitchens are best if situated in the East or Southeast sections.
  5. While cooking the cook must have a view of the kitchen door; it brings prosperity to the family.
  6. Art objects like paintings, posters, statues or any other features must look good, be in good shape and have pleasant appeal. Objects with violent suggestions can be harmful.
  7. Trees around the house or on a plot should be felled without consulting the local cultural beliefs and rituals; at times negligence in this matter can be dangerous.
  8. Indoor plants should be small, healthy free of thorns, spiky leaves and pointed needle like ferns.
  9. Plants belong to the East, Southeast or in small measure to the North direction.
  10. Trees up close to the doors or windows blocking sunlight or view are unwelcome.
  11. In the office, avoid placing the temple at the back of the owner’s seat.
  12. The owner seat must be facing his favorable direction.
  13. The decision making persons should be sitting in the West, Northwest sections.
  14. The Eastern part should have the more active staff as the sales, public relations.
  15. The owner’s cabin must not have over head storage.
  16. The reception’s desk should not be semicircular with the rounded portion pointing to the entrance especially if it is made of glass.
  17. Too many staff tables facing the walls can create an atmosphere of indifference in an office making it difficult to get staff co-operation.
  18. The owner or the decision making person must have a solid wall behind his chair.
  19. The head of any office must have a high backed chair; different from the others.
  20. The person in charge of the office should not sit right opposite a door.
  21. Any back door to an office should have some pleasant sounding bell attached to its inner handle to keep a check of the movement happening behind your back.


Posted April 17, 2008 by andykale
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Bonsai and Cactus

Bonsai are good or not so good as features in home decor depending on one’s perspective. It is highly subjective for example if you believe it is bringing in nature in a miniature form and love its beauty it is a positive feature but if you believe that bonsai is restricting natural growth then it is better you do not keep it in your home.

On the other hand cacti are not a very welcome feature in doors because they represent fire energy and are desert plants they need a lot of open space to grow; they cannot be restricted to a room or smaller spaces. They are by no means negative.

Foliage with spiky leaves again need a lot of growing space hence should be discouraged indoors. In many instances they have been found to cause skin problems to people who spend a lot of time

Yin And Yang

Posted April 3, 2008 by andykale
Categories: Fengshui

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The Play Of Yin And Yang

A banyan treeThe concept of Yin and Yang can be simply explained with examples of opposing forces like male and female, hot and cold, bright and dark, night and day and so on. The essence lies in understanding the difference; because essentially the entire play in the cosmos depends in the balance between these two forces. They are mutually complementary and co-exist; there cannot be one without the other. I understood this principle with a simple example. On a hot summer afternoon if you stand under a ; the blazing sun light around is yang and the cool shade is yin. This example taught me the role of yin and my stand that the two forces cannot be separated. If one goes to the extreme the other immediately balances. So true even in balancing relations we experiance that if one person is upset the other should take a milder stand; only then can we arrive to a solution.

Feng Shui

Posted March 29, 2008 by andykale
Categories: Fengshui

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sunrays2.jpgSpiritual Feng Shui:

Feng shui literally means ‘Wind’ and ‘Water’. It has evolved with centuries of trial and error methods applied to different aspects of life. The big question is even if its origin is attributed to China; the aboriginals of different cultures in different parts of the world practiced it in their own way. The Africans, Red Indians, Asians, Europeans all had their own understanding of natural surroundings and commonsense application had them practicing Feng shui with perhaps another name.

Dealing with the natural environment physically, mentally and emotionally must have been the aim and objective of the Sages who worked and coined Feng shui for us in its present form. Its depth is still mystery to our minds.

It goes without saying that a student of Feng shui is learning with every case be it a house, office, factory, farm—–the list can be endless.

The entire theory revolves around the ‘Five Elements’ in their yang and yin forms. The spiritual aspect relates to living in co- ordination with natural forces; learning to respect live in its many a splendered forms. Spirituality takes us closer to ourselves; only then we can experience oneness with ‘Mother Nature’.